Wednesday, July 27, 2016

There is a popular question out there, “is the glass half-empty or half-full?’   The question seems redundant.  Either answer fails to change the level of water in the glass, and leaves us wanting more.  But, what if the glass is the Law of YHVH (Torah)?  Do we look at the law as an incomplete portion?  Did Yeshua come to fill the Law to the brim for us to drink, or to drink it in our stead?

What did Yeshua say he came to do?  In his only recorded sermon, popularly known as the sermon-on-the-mount, he said this, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. (Matt 5:17-18) 

Growing up in the church, we all have been taught that this statement means the exact opposite of what he actually said.  We learn that he said, “I didn’t come to abolish the Law and the Prophets, I came to do it all so you don’t have to.”  Using our analogy of the glass being the law, we could restate that as, “I came to fill up the glass and drink it myself.”  

What about the second half of his statement?  He said, “…not an iota or dot will pass from the law until all is accomplished.” 

What did he accomplish so that the law could pass away? 

The church would have us believe that he accomplished his destiny at the crucifixion and now the law has been done away with.  When he said, “It is finished” that means all the iotas and dots would pass away.   

See how that works?  By plucking a verse here and tacking it onto a verse from somewhere else, we can piece together a picture we want to see…not necessarily what we should see.   

Is the glass of the Law (Torah) half full, half empty or did Yeshua fill it to the brim?  And if he filled it to the brim does that make it pass away? 


The Greek word for ‘fulfill’ is pleroo (pronounced ple-rue-o).  It means to render full, or in other words, to complete and FILL TO THE TOP so that nothing is wanting.  Fill to the brim!  Provide understanding! 
The Church would have us believe that we have been granted a reprieve from the Law!  He filled it full to the brim!  Right?  Then he said, ‘it’s finished’ so we’re off the hook!

I suppose if we think the Law was somehow incomplete this would make sense.  But, is that what he meant when he said he came to fulfill the law?  Was the Law incomplete?
Or would it be more accurate to say that the portion of the law [the Penalty for breaking it, i.e. You Sin You Die] was taken out of the way? 

Or could we say that he came to help us to fully understand the heart of the law: why it is good, perfect, and useful for life? 

Or was it both?


Was the Torah given to us just to prove we couldn’t possibly attain its standards?  Or was it given to us for our instruction so that we would know how to live in harmony with our Creator and with our fellow man? 

I do not believe the notion that says the law is too hard to follow and is some sort of impossible goal that the Father gave us just to prove how inferior we are and how great He is.   

He doesn’t need the Law to show His greatness!  All you have to do is look at the world He created and consider the magnificence of the One who made everything.  That’s why the Psalmist said: 

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.  (Psalm 19:1) 
And Paul said: 

For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. (Rom 1:20) 

So why did He give us the Law?  And if He gave us the law just to ‘put us in our place,’ why are we still here now that Yeshua has ‘fulfilled’ the requirements of the Law?


If the glass represents the Law, and Yeshua filled it to the brim, does that mean that the Law was incomplete? Or do we misunderstand what the glass represents altogether? 

How was it that Yeshua filled up the law?   

The best answer is that he came to fully implement, demonstrate and teach the beauty and love inherent in Father’s instructions.   He came to restore the pure word of the Father by removing the man-made traditions that diminished the Law.  (Mat 15:3 … He said to them, “Why do you also transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?) 

The Church has twisted his words to say that the Law was bad and only the death of the ‘Son of God’ could remove it out of our way.  It seems, from that point of view, that the Words that YHVH gave to Moses were just temporary.  They were just waiting for someone (God himself) to do it all perfectly so those pesky commandments could be abandoned for ultimate freedom! 

Does that even make sense?  
What if we (rightly) look at the Law as the Way of Salvation?  

But, but….that’s why Jesus came!  He is our Savior!  He paid it all!  He nailed the Word of YHVH (Torah) to the cross!   

Sometimes when I verbalize the sequence that I learned in the Christian Church, it sounds so utterly ridiculous that I am amazed I ever believed any of it. 


Years ago, I thought it would be marvelous to do a word study on 'water' in the Bible.  It is probably the most all-encompassing subject in there!  I became discouraged by the sheer magnitude of the concept. 

But, Yeshua pared it all down for the Samaritan woman.  

Yeshua replied to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who is saying to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.”

“Sir,” the woman tells Him, “You don’t have a bucket, and the well is deep. Then from where do You get this living water?

Yeshua replied to her, “Everyone who drinks from this (well) water will get thirsty again.

But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never be thirsty. The water that I give him will become a fountain of water within him, springing up to eternal life!”
(from John chapter 4) 

What was the ‘living water’ that Yeshua would give?  What was it he came to do?

He came to fully teach (pleroo) the Torah and do the Father's will. 

The Christian church puts the emphasis on his death and resurrection (AND THAT IS SIGNIFICANT, don’t misunderstand) but it ignores the bulk of his LIFE, and that is what we should learn from.  Otherwise his life is meaningless!  It only matters that he ‘saved’ us from death?  Yikes! 

Don’t we still want the glass of water?  Can we fill it with living water, and what does that look like?  Do we pitch it when it is full?  Is it only for Yeshua to drink, or is it for us? 


The short answer is there are two aspects of the Law.  There are instruction and the reason behind the instruction.  When we were first given the Law (on stone tablets) it was given with this caveat:  

You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. (Deu 6:5-6) 

The words He commanded us were to be on our HEART!  Letter and Spirit; Law and Heart!  Never one or the other! 

We don’t understand why we have to follow it!  We don’t see the benefit because we see it as a chore, and not a beautiful loving way of life.  We go through the motions, but our heart isn’t in it. 


Yeshua taught the law has to come from our heart!  He said that the greatest commandment is to love YHVH and love your neighbor as yourself.  He then said, keep the commandments! (Deu 6:5 & Matt 19:16-19)   

So, if keeping the commandments is our half-full glass, then loving YHVH and our neighbor fills up the rest of the glass.  Yeshua said so!  We can say he taught that keeping the law along with love for YHVH and our neighbor is what leads to eternal life.  (Matt 19:16)  Two halves of the whole: A full glass contains Law and Love!  


Yes! Yeshua followed the law in perfection!  And in that way he DID fill up the law.  He kept all of the commandments and he did it out of love for the Father and for us!  He made the law complete by his actions and his intentions. 

Yeshua said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.”  The church would have us believe that means he filled up the law and abolished it so we don’t have to.   Does it begin to seem like that couldn’t be the case?  

A proper understanding of his statement would be to paraphrase it like this: “I am your perfect example of the Way, I am walking out the Truth, all that follow me and do what I do have Life.”  

He demonstrated it.  He walked it out!  He taught the people it wasn’t just words on a page (or chiseled in stone) it was supposed to come from our hearts!  He filled it to the brim with understanding!  Everyone knows that Yeshua was the epitome of love, for greater love hath no man than he that lays down his life for his brother. 

Does that mean he is above our ability to emulate his example?   

He said he came to do the Father’s will. 

We all want to think he followed the law so we don’t have to.  He died so we don’t have to!  But, reality check!  We all die, just as he did.  But, if we are to enter into the life eternal that he did, do we leave the glass half-full or do we drink from it with a full measure of understanding? 

Yeshua enlarged our understanding.  He filled up the law with meaning!  “Don’t even look at a woman with lust or you have committed adultery already!”  Isn’t that what he taught?  It’s not the letter of the law but the spirit of the law!  Don’t go through the motions, but understand that the Law is given to show us our heart and to mold us into what He is.  Didn’t he tell us that the entire Law and Prophets were suspended upon Love? 


Paul is difficult to understand!  It is easy to misinterpret Paul’s letters.  But if our understanding of what Paul wrote conflicts with what Yeshua taught, it must be abandoned!  Who should we put our faith into?  Paul or Yeshua? 

Paul didn’t really teach against the Law, as is commonly supposed, but it fits our ‘Jesus paid it all so I don’t have to’ doctrine. It is popular to say that it is even ‘trampling the blood of Jesus underfoot’ if we follow the Torah!  But, what if what is popular is not what is true? 

This is what Paul actually said: 

What then shall we say? That the law is sin? By no means! Yet if it had not been for the law, I would not have known sin. For I would not have known what it is to covet if the law had not said, "You shall not covet." (Rom 7:7) 

Isn’t he saying the same thing that Yeshua said in Matthew 5: 7-8?  Doesn’t the law expose our inward state? Doesn’t it convict our heart and expose our sin, just like it did for Paul? 

We should begin to understand the purpose of the Law.  It was not given to frustrate us.  It wasn’t given to set us up for failure.  It was given so that we would understand internally what the Father desires for us eternally.   

All of the words from YHVH are for us!  Why would we think Yeshua filled the glass full to the brim just to drink it for himself? Do you see that love and understanding completes the law?  Will you drink from the water of the word; the words of eternal life?  Or is your glass half-full; law without understanding, and without love? 

The Law is YHVH’s heart, and when it is written upon our own we become like Yeshua, the image of the Father!  Yeshua believed that he would be resurrected to be eternally with the Father.  That faith is what caused him to walk in the Torah!  And that same faith should be in us too!  We too can have the faith of Yeshua and join him (the First Fruits of the resurrection) by following in his footsteps.  He’s not carrying you.  He is leading the way! 

Yeshua said to her, "Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (John 4:13 -14)

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Third Rail
By and large, everyone I have met within the Hebrew Roots (HR) or Messianic 'camp' have come from Christian backgrounds.  Being persuaded that Christmas/Easter/Sunday worship is rooted in paganism [look up Constantine] they have jumped in with both feet.  Christmas trees and Easter bunnies are set on the curb alongside the Easter ham, Sunday worship is replaced with Shabbat fellowship and that's that.  There are disputes over how to pronounce the Names and what calendar is accurate, but even though those topics are touchy, there is a third rail that must never be touched!  Even though we all believe this verse!
Jer 16:19  O Jehovah, my strength and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the nations shall come to You from the ends of the earth and say, Our fathers have inherited only lies, vanity, and there is no profit in them.
There are some things we inherited that are not open for discussion or debate or examination.  It is the third rail of coming out of Babylon, and it is the deity of Yeshua.

So, the bottom line is that whether or not this is truth, to even suggest it requires study is deemed heresy, false teaching, or confusion.  In effect, we have taken our Christian dogma, excised the holiday traditions, changed our diet and slapped the Feasts of YHVH and Sabbath over the bedrock of our 'faith.'  We still are the possessors of truth and the Jews just need to get on board with us.  It's okay though, because now that we agree on the Torah, they can embrace the Messiah as we understand him as their Messiah too!

A common mantra in the HR group is that we must abandon Greek Thinking and embrace Hebraic Understanding.  The irony is that the doctrines that characterize Yeshua as a deity are firmly rooted in pagan doctrine.  The Trinity can be traced back to the Babylonians, where the Queen of Heaven (Semaramis) gave birth to a son by being impregnated by the rays of the Sun.  Gee, that sounds awfully familiar!

Someone once said that even a broken clock is right twice a day to justify our acceptance of the foundational teachings of Christianity.  After all, they must have gotten something right!   Intellectual honesty would demand that we should never be afraid to test those beliefs we inherited from the Christian church.  Truth has no agenda, and if we are truly seekers of the truth, we surely will find it.  The only way to be sure is to test everything. 

It could be that the things we test will solidify our faith by confirming what we think we know.  It could also be that it will confirm our faith by having to cut away [circumcise] our most cherished beliefs.  Not many people are ready to have their hearts broken again, especially after the trauma of learning they had to abandon Christmas and Easter, but that is what seeking truth demands.

He demands that we pursue what he has placed on our hearts.  Do we stop short?   Do we trust Him to reveal what we need to know?

Luk 8:17  For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor secret that shall not be known and come into open view.
Luk 8:18  So pay attention how you listen. For whoever has, to him more will be given. And whoever does not have, even what he supposes he has will be taken away from him.”

Are you ready to challenge everything? 

Are you ready to examine everything to verify the truth?  We know that we received a lot of confusion from Babylon.  Have we tested if our understanding about Yeshua is Hebraic or just paganism repackaged in a Christian box? 

I grew up with the Greek myth of Hercules who was a demi-god.  He is part of a pantheon of deities, all of them gods that are not gods.  Which came first?  Yeshua or the mythology of Greece and Rome?

Is it worthwhile to study if we have adopted a Greek/Roman  paradigm and slapped it onto our Bible?  Can we claim that the Bible is the inerrant word of God and not challenge that translations may be tainted by the 'lying pen of the scribes?'   Were they all written without bias or error?

Everyone in the HR movement seems ready to abandon Judaism and Christianity for the truth that is found outside of a religious system made by man.  I am down with that!  But, are we equally ready to abandon myth and tradition that have crept into our Bible-view?

This article is not going to answer the question of Yeshua, and whether or not he is deity.  That question presupposes that there was no change in status from flesh to resurrected body.  It is Greek Think: Either he's God or he's not!  Instead, it is probably Hebraic thought: Seeing Yeshua within a progression of a Promise that became a Man that became the First Fruits of the Resurrection. 

The third rail seeks to shut down any examination of the Christian doctrine of a pre-incarnate god (Jesus) who came to Earth to save us all from our sins.  It's a great story, but is it the gospel of the kingdom?  Is it truly 'settled,' and unimportant?   Does it affect our ultimate wish to be resurrected at the last trumpet?

I contend that it can affect our walk with the Creator.  But be warned, even postulating that we might misunderstand the nature of Yeshua and the 'Godhead' is likely to land you in very hot water!  Just because it has been accepted as truth for 2000 years does not mean that it is truth.  Questioning and testing the scriptures is not being a false teacher, a heretic or nuts.  After all, our eternal soul is at stake!

This blog will continue to test our traditions, doctrines and cherished beliefs.  My first in depth study will be the proofs that Yeshua lived and was resurrected.  If this cannot be proven by extra-Biblical texts, then we are left with believing what we cannot know based on hear-say and faith.  I certainly think that faith in what cannot be seen is imperative, for none of us was there!  BUT, It is possible, I believe, to set forth an argument that the most extraordinary event in human history happened in Jerusalem about 2000 years ago.  

In the meantime remember this:
Psa 119:165  Great peace have they who love Your Torah, and nothing causes them to stumble.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Paradigms! or Tradition?

Do you have paradigms?  What a funny word!  A quick definition says that a paradigm is the lens we use to go through life.  We don't study them, they just creep into our life and we accept them as truth.  They are like old-wives tales!  How do we go back to the source of our world-view?  I find that paradigms get in the way a lot, and the sad thing is, we often do not even see it standing there!  I find this especially true when reading the Bible.  I accepted what I learned from the Pastors and Teachers, and every verse is read with that 'understanding' in place.  Even now that I am ready to challenge those 'givens,' it is still difficult to let go of error and misunderstandings.

This blog will challenge the paradigms I learned in church. 


According to Strong's the word comes from the Greek paradosis.

paradosis: a handing down or over, a tradition
Original Word: παράδοσις, εως, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: paradosis
Phonetic Spelling: (par-ad'-os-is)
Short Definition: an instruction, tradition
Definition: an instruction, tradition.

Tradition!  The wonderful musical Fiddler on the Roof talks a lot about Tradition.  In many cases the traditions handed down to the family were just accepted as gospel, often with painful results. 

The Bible has some things to say about traditions.  They are not always bad, but they can get in the way of the larger picture. They can, in fact, be the very thing that the prophet Jeremiah warned us about:

Jer 16:19  Adonai, my strength, my stronghold, my refuge in the day of affliction, to You will the nations come from the ends of the earth and say: “Our fathers have inherited nothing but lies, futility and useless things.”

[An Aside] I have switched away from using the name, Jesus Christ.  There was no J in Hebrew, and in fact, this new letter has only been used the last six hundred years or so.  I prefer to use Yeshua the Messiah (Yeshua HaMaschiach) which is from the Hebrew and is more accurate.  Perhaps at some point this blog will explore the names of GOD (YHVH) and our Messiah, but this article is about tradition!

The  Pharisees and scholars said:  Why do Your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? For they do not do the ritual handwashing when they eat bread.”  Mat 15:2 

Yeshua said:  “Why do you also transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?" Mat 15:3

The only thing that Yeshua spoke against was the twisting or perversion of the words given to us by his Father.  He took the words of Deuteronomy 4:2 to be a guidepost along the narrow way.

Deu 4:2  You shall not add to the Word which I command you, nor take from it, to keep the commandments of Jehovah your God which I command you.

Doesn't that seem clear?  His word is complete.  We don't need to add our traditions or pick and choose (remove) which of His words to accept as truth.  We get into error when we do either.  My understanding and belief is that the entire word of YHVH is true.  It always was, and always will be.  There has been no abolishment of His Law or His Promises!  HalleluYah!

Before any of you readers get into a panic over the Law of the Old Testament, I hope to address many of your concerns in the pages of this blog.  We don't do animal sacrifices anymore (not because the law is void, but it is impossible with no Earthly Temple and the Levitical Priesthood scattered.  I assure you that our High Priest (see the book of Hebrews) is before the Father in the heavenly realm handling all of these things on our behalf.

If I haven't lost any of you, I hope you'll return next time when I begin to examine and dismantle many of the traditions we have accepted as truth for the past 2000 years or so.  It will be my aim to return to the beginning and place all of the testimonies and epistles found in what we call the New Testament in context - context being the entirety of Scripture in light of the culture and language it was presented. The Bereans tested everything that was taught to them by the Apostle Paul.  What did they test his teaching against?  The Five Books of Moses, the Prophets and the Writings (otherwise known as the Old Testament)!  Let us discover the ancient paths!

Jer 6:16  So says Jehovah, Stand by the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and you shall find rest for your souls.

2Ti 2:15  Do your best to present yourself to God as an approved worker who has nothing to be ashamed of, handling the word of truth with precision.

Deu 4:1  And now, Israel, listen to the statutes and to the judgments which I am teaching you to do, so that you may live and go in, and possess the land which Jehovah the God of your fathers is giving to you.