Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Looking for Superman

[This is the article that got me fired as the editor and writer for a popular ministry site.  I have re-worked it some, but the essence has not changed.  Actually, since writing this article I have done a considerable amount of study and found that I am not alone in my paradigm shift that moves away from the Trinity Doctrine I learned in the church. 

Buckle up!  This will mess with your paradigms!]

This article will look at an ‘understanding’ we have been taught in the Christian church. This is yet another stronghold that we would do well to examine, test, and understand.  We have been confused about Who we need to pray to, who the Messiah really is, and have replaced the real Messiah Yeshua with a kind of Superman.  Yes…the analogy fits!

Our fellowship likes to sing songs that are based in scripture.  Often they are in my ear when I wake up, and become the stems for articles.  Today I awoke ‘singing’ the following: 

For the Weapons of our Warfare are not carnal but mighty through Yah!  To the casting down of strongholds, casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Yah!  And bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.  (2 Cor 10:4)

Get ready to cast down some strongholds and vain imaginations that exalt themselves above the knowledge of YeHoVaH.

What does this song from scripture have to say to us today?  It paints a very clear picture that the source of our weapons of warfare come not from man, but from Yah (YeHoVaH)!  He exhorts us to cast down our own imaginations, and every (ANY) ‘high thing’ that exalts itself above the knowledge of Yah.  We are to bring into captivity (carry away/ remove/ exile) every vain thought and be, instead, obedient.  The same way - just as - Yeshua was obedient. 

That’s what ‘obedience OF Christ’ means.  We don’t Obey Yeshua, we obey YeHoVaH, as Yeshua modeled and taught us to do.  It’s a subtle distinction!  We only obey Yeshua in the context of the authority he has been given by YeHoVaH.  This happened when Yeshua became the first fruits of the resurrection (i.e. only begotten son).  His post-resurrection divinity and authority includes being the King of Kings that will rule on Earth for the Millennia, but at the conclusion of the thousand years it is all turned over to the Father. 

In other words, we obey Yeshua because he is acting as the regent for his Father and speaks and acts on behalf and under the authority of his Father, not because he IS the Father.

“…a distinguished Professor of Systematic Theology at Fuller Seminary and general editor of the prestigious New Testament Theology [said] “The crux of the matter is how we understand the term ‘Son of God’…The title Son of God is not in itself a designation of personal deity or an expression of metaphysical distinctions within the Godhead.  Indeed, to be a ‘Son of God’ one has to be a being who is not God!  It is a designation for a creature indicating a special relationship with God.  In particular, it denotes God’s representative, God’s vice-regent.  It is a designation of kingship, identifying the king as God’s Son.” [1] Theologians who simply assert, without proof, that “Son of God” means “God the Son” are in Brown’s words laboring under a “systematic misunderstanding of Son of God language in Scripture.” [page 44, The Doctrine of the Trinity: Christianity’s Self-Inflicted Wound, Anthony F Buzzard and Charles F. Hunting]

In short, Messiah is Not God, but God’s Agent!

Yeshua himself used the Hebrew understanding of what it means to be a Son of God.  (See Psalm 82 and Yeshua’s defense in John 10)


There are a lot of teachers that claim Yeshua and YeHoVaH are the same; using the names interchangeably.  The claim is made that Yeshua is a demi-god, simultaneously both man and God.  Some go so far as to assert that he is a hybrid of a human mother and the LORD himself which would make Yeshua mixed seed. (Something that YeHoVaH hates!) Some teach that Yeshua is the Creator.  The doctrine of kenosis says he set aside his deity to dwell among us, and then set aside his ‘flesh-suit’ and ‘returned to Heaven’ where he was originally (i.e. pre-existence and incarnation).  Or even, that Yeshua is the One who is described as the eternal, almighty God that Is, Was and Will Ever Be.  True?  Or only traditions?

All of these notions (I don’t think they qualify as understanding) satisfy what we want to believe.  We think GOD has given us an impossible task!  The Torah is too difficult, and no one can follow it!  Only GOD himself can follow the rules He gave to mankind so that we can be in covenant with Him.  We are given instructions in righteousness that require us to be obedient to His Kingdom rules, but of course, it’s just too hard!  He had to come down here himself to save us from our inability to measure up.  He is the only one who can follow Torah.  He had to follow the Torah and die (but not really die, because he was God already) just so we don’t have to follow that law that our flesh hates.


Don’t be offended, just consider:  He is not really a human but is a super-human disguised as Clark Kent (a Man)!  He walks among us until the time is right to save us from destruction.  Underneath the business suit and glasses he is, and always will be, Superman.  All of his actions, while disguised as Clark Kent, are a sham.  He is benevolent to the good guys and fights the bad guys and Lois Lane is the perpetual victim.  She (we) cannot possibly overcome the bad guys!  We need a savior in the form of Superman to preserve us from death.


In one way, this does fit the Creator.  Obviously, we cannot save our own selves and confer eternal life upon this flesh.  We cannot even determine whether or not we will draw the next breath.  Whether we live or die is all in the hands of the Father!  But, what do we expect the Father to do for us?  Has he removed death from the equation yet?  When we die do we all go to heaven (a doctrine that appears nowhere in the Scriptures, by the way)?  And if he came to take on and remove our sin, why is sin still rampant among believers?

If he ‘paid it all’ why are we still here?  Why didn’t all those disciples that believed in him follow right up to heaven with him when he was resurrected?  Isn’t that what he came to do:  wipe away the Law and give us all eternal life?  Why are we still hanging around on Earth?


Many believe Yeshua (Jesus) came down from heaven, perfectly followed the Torah (that he wrote himself), taught everyone to love their enemies as themselves, and then died a horrible death just so we don’t have to follow the law he authored and taught us how to follow. 

As long as we ‘invite him into our heart’ we can pass on from this existence and have eternal life with him because ‘he paid it all.’  The only thing missing - what gets between us and eternal life - was the need for GOD to come in disguise and put a check mark in the box that says “Followed the Torah perfectly.”   That’s it!  Now all who ‘believe in Yeshua’ can have eternal life.  Easy.


Am I the only one that thinks this is absurd?  Did the Creator give us an impossible task when He gave us our instructions in righteousness (Torah)?  And if all has been satisfied, what exactly are we supposed to be doing while we hang around in our own flesh-suits waiting to die so we can be eternally with the Creator? We’re supposed to just ‘win souls for Jesus?’ 

[Yeshua said:] It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is of no benefit. The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and are life! Yet some of you do not trust.” Yeshua knew from the beginning who were the ones who did not trust, as well as which one would betray Him. Then He told them, “For this reason I’ve told you that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted to him by the Father.” From this time, many of His disciples left and quit walking with Him.  [Joh 6:63-66 ]

According to Yeshua it is the Father that grants understanding and eternal life.  We’re all supposed to be ready to give an account for our faith, but we don’t ‘win’ souls for Him.


Psa_119:34 Give me understanding, that I may keep Your Torah and observe it with all my heart.

Psa_119:100 I have gained more understanding than all my elders, for I have kept Your precepts.

Psa_119:130 The unfolding of Your words gives light, giving understanding to the simple. (TLV)

According to the above scriptures, understanding is following His Torah. Abraham understood this even before Moses was handed the covenant from Mt. Sinai!

…And in your offspring all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because Abraham obeyed my voice and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws. (Gen 26:4-5)

The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom; And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10 ASV)


But Jehovah is the true God; he is the living God, and an everlasting King: at his wrath the earth trembleth, and the nations are not able to abide his indignation. Thus shall ye say unto them, The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, these shall perish from the earth, and from under the heavens. He hath made the earth by his power, he hath established the world by his wisdom, and by his understanding hath he stretched out the heavens. (Jer 10:10-12 ASV)


I recommend reading Isaiah Chapters 40 through 44.  They connect directly with John Chapter One.  Pay attention to the many verses that say things like, “I am YeHoVaH, there is no one besides me,” “Beside me there is no God,” “I am YHVH that makes all things, that stretches forth the heavens alone; that spreads abroad the Earth by myself.”  YeHoVaH also says, “I am YeHoVaH: That is my name and my glory I will not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.”  Nowhere is there a suggestion that YeHoVaH is anything other than the ONE, just as he exhorts us to understand in the First Commandment: “I am the LORD thy GOD…you shall have no other gods before me.” (Ex 20:1-2) 

[Just a thought: Yeshua prayed to YHVH.  He was without sin; he never would have broken the first commandment!  And, if we set Yeshua up instead of or in front of YHVH, isn’t that putting a god before YHVH? It’s no wonder the Trinity doctrine is so popular...only by twisting the scriptures to make them two parts of the whole can we reconcile this!  Surely you can see the problem with this doctrine!]

Isaiah Chapter 42 talks about Yeshua.  He is called ‘My Servant,” and a ‘light to the gentiles.’ 

I suggest that the ‘new’ testament scholars have led us to view the scriptures in reverse.  They have set up their ‘understanding’ and figured out ways to interpret the ‘old’ testament looking through the lens of John Chapter One.  They conflate Yeshua and YeHoVaH by insisting we understand the ‘Word’ is Yeshua.  But, is that really the case?  The first 12 verses of John Chapter One are speaking about YeHoVaH!  The Greek doctrine of Logos is in our way!

What if a better understanding of the ‘Word’ is the ‘Plan and Purpose’ put in place by the One who created everything?

Try it!  Replace ‘Word’ with ‘Plan/Declared Purpose.’  In the beginning was the plan/declared purpose of YeHoVaH…do it for the first twelve verses of John! I know…it messes with your paradigm, doesn’t it? I am not alone in this Hebraic understanding. Further reading on this topic may be found here:


Hebraic understanding can best be described with this example. If you show a Greek a pencil and ask him to describe it he will say it is yellow, made of wood with a point at one end and eraser on the other.  Hebrews would describe the same object as something you write with.  Hebraic thought is action-oriented, it is something you DO.   

The pencil is ‘named’ for its function; just as Yeshua was ‘named’ Yeshua, because he would be the means for Yah to save his people.  Yeshua means: Yah Saves.

…but as many as did receive him to them he gave authority to become sons of God--to those believing in his name, who--not of blood nor of a will of flesh, nor of a will of man but--of God were begotten. And the Word became flesh, and did tabernacle among us, and we beheld his glory, glory as of an only begotten of a father, full of grace and truth. [John 1:12-14]

Therefore, when Yeshua is described as the Word made flesh, it is describing his function.  He isn’t really a Torah Scroll, he is the Torah in action.  What did he do?  He showed us how to walk out the Torah.

What if John Chapter One has been confused by doctrines like the trinity, or misunderstanding phrases like ‘son of God’ and ‘God in the flesh?’   What if have we made those phrases literal instead of a description of Yeshua’s function? 

What if we believe the testimony of the apostles and have faith that Yeshua has been granted eternal life and sits on the right hand of the Father?  Does that mean that he always was divine? 

IF we study the scriptures with the paradigm Yeshua IS the Creator

IF we conflate the Son of God with the Father/Creator

IF we miss that he is the First Fruits of the Resurrection, it distorts everything!

IF we correctly identify Yeshua as the First Fruits of the Resurrection from the dead, we allow YeHoVaH to be the Creator of All.  Yeshua is the first begotten son (first man resurrected to eternal life).  Just as we are all promised that we may be begotten of the Father by His authority! (see John 1:12-14)

Yeshua is Not the Great I AM.

Not convinced?


Mar 10:17  As Jesus was setting out again, a man ran up to him, knelt down in front of him, and asked him, "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"

Mar 10:18 "Why do you call me good?" Jesus asked him. "Nobody is good except for one—God.

If we would understand the Shema, we would not be confused by The Prophet that was foretold in Deuteronomy 18:15.  Although Yeshua is THE Prophet foretold by Moses; Yeshua did not claim to be the Father.  He was ‘like’ Moses (a man).  He was/is the Prophet to whom we must listen and obey! 

When asked for the greatest commandment Yeshua paraphrased the Shema (Deu 6:4-5).When he arose from the tomb he said, "Don't hold on to me, because I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and tell them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'" (John 20:17)


Today we have swallowed the teaching that Yeshua and the Father are identical.  That ‘echad’(one) is a ‘mystery’ that makes Yeshua and the Father two halves of the whole (or 2/3 of the Trinity).  Or different facets of the same being, a collective known as Elohim!

What if we do not have understanding?  Why don’t we believe that there is only ONE God and Creator of all: YeHoVaH?  He said he is One.  He said there is no one beside him. Yeshua never taught us otherwise!  He taught his disciples to pray to OUR FATHER, not to himself.   He said there is only One who is good (whole/complete/functioning in its purpose).  YeHoVaH sent Yeshua to renew the Covenant in his blood, and it was YeHoVaH that raised Yeshua from death!

The scriptures say that man introduced death into YeHoVaH’s creation, and that a man would lead the way and become the first fruits for us to follow into resurrection bodies.  “For by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.” (I Cor 15:21)

With that understanding in place, read the following verse that I later paraphrase:

Psa 111:9 He has sent redemption to His people. He has ordained His covenant forever. Holy and awesome is His Name.

Paraphrase of 111:9

YeHoVaH has sent redemption (via a Kinsman Redeemer/My servant) to His (YeHoVaH’s) people.  YeHoVaH has ordained His covenant (Torah) forever.  Holy (Set-Apart) and awesome is His Name (YeHoVaH: which carries the fullness and entirety of his character, reputation, power and might).


Do not misunderstand the point of this article.  Yeshua is worthy of praise because he did what the Father sent him to do.  He is our Kinsman Redeemer.  The First Fruits.  Our older brother, High Priest and King!

BUT: He always pointed to His Father (and our Father).  He spoke the Father’s words and did the Father’s will.  He never claimed otherwise!  He has been given authority, he didn’t always have it.

We must be careful not to place Yeshua above the Father.  He isn’t even Equal To the Father! He said so himself! You have heard me tell you, 'I am going away, but I am coming back to you.' If you loved me, you would rejoice that I am going to the Father, because the Father is greater than I am.” (John 14:28)


What is Nahushtan?  A Google search reveals this:

In the biblical Book of Numbers, the Nehushtan (or Nohestan) was a bronze serpent on a pole which God told Moses to erect to protect the Israelites who saw it from dying from the bites of the "fiery serpents" which God had sent to punish them for speaking against God and Moses. 

Later, this same bronze ‘serpent’ was given the name “Nahushtan” and the people began to worship it instead of YHVH! Later, it was destroyed!  Why?  It was formed for good, to help the Israelites to ‘look up’ for their salvation, but it supplanted the source of their salvation and became idolatry! 

I think, the Greek understanding of Jesus has done just that!  He is a stumbling block and an idol!

Be offended if you must, but think on it.  Yeshua is a stone of stumbling for both Jew and Gentile.  It is time that we place him in the correct relationship to our Father (and his Father).  Although he is worthy to be praised, he isn’t ‘Superman.’  ‘Superman’ implies that we can never aspire to do what he did!

Scripture tells us that the Law is altogether true, good, light, easy and not burdensome.  It is the way of life, a guide to our path and a light to the nations.  It is the easy yoke that Yeshua demonstrated for us.  The way of righteousness.

Those with ears to hear listen to what YeHoVaH has told us.  Let us be wise.  Let us be earnest in our dedication to follow His instructions.  We don’t need Superman to do for us what we have been given to do. We don’t require a Superman to remove the Torah out of our way! The Torah is still in effect.  His Word (his divine purpose and plan) is eternal.  It is up to us to choose, as it has always been.  Otherwise we are living a life of futility.  He gave us instructions in righteousness so that we can all follow in Yeshua’s footsteps.  That is the way of understanding.

Psa 111:10 The fear of Adonai is the beginning of wisdom. All who follow His precepts have good understanding. His praise endures forever!

Yeshua: “… I have not spoken on my own authority. Instead, the Father who sent me has himself commanded me what to say and how to speak. And I know that what he commands brings eternal life. What I speak, therefore, I speak just as the Father has told me." (John 12:49-50)

[1] Colin Brown, “Trinity and Incarnation: In Search of Contemporary Orthodoxy,” Ex Auditu, 1991, 87-88

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