Monday, May 18, 2020

Red Pills

For someone who likes to communicate in writing, I find myself strangely without words for the current situation.  I don’t even know where to begin, so I am beginning with my inability to fully articulate the effects of Covid-19 hysteria and the huge Red Pill I swallowed that has destroyed my perception of America and Americans.

I always considered myself to be a Patriot.  I still am, I suppose, but the rub is that the America I hold in my heart is far from the America I live in today.  Maybe it was always a fantasy, a pipedream, an illusion.  I really cannot say at this point.  I begin to think it has always been a story, but not THE story (to quote Dan Bongino).

Why do we believe what we believe?  The only way to explain my change of perception has to begin when I was first challenged to examine what I believed.  Only that first rude awakening could have prepared me for what has come.

I grew up in a Christian home, with Christian aunts and uncles, one was even a minister.  Yet, about ten years ago I was confronted with a challenge to every church doctrine I ever thought I understood.

It was a bitter, some might say, Red Pill, to learn that Jesus didn’t die so that I was automatically ‘saved’ if I just spoke a repeat-after-me prayer of allegiance or belief in him.  That easy-belief-ism carries no responsibility and suppresses any questions that a thinking person should ask.  IF all I have to do is ‘believe’ that Jesus is the actual son of God and died a horrible death so I don’t have to, that definitely falls into the Easy category.

I always thought ‘getting saved’ was the epitome of self-centeredness.  As long as I get ‘saved’ and have my eternal ticket punched, what else is there to do?  Just live my life and try to be ‘good,’ whatever that means, and if I fail, I’m still covered!  All I have to do is say, Sorry.  I could even say “I’ll never do it again.”

Experience has shown me that that is an empty promise; very similar to what the Israelites said on multiple occasions with terrible results.  YOU talk to God, Moses, and whatever he tells you to tell us we’ll do.  We promise, cross our hearts and hope to die.  “Whatever God tells us to do, we’ll do.”  That happened again as chronicled in the Book of Jeremiah.

The rub is this: Talk is cheap.

The other rub is we want someone else to hear it, learn it, interpret it for us and tell us what to do.  Whatever God tells you to tell us, we’ll do, unless it means we really have to follow His instructions.  We don’t really have to Do anything because we are saved already, And, besides, it’s too hard, don’t you know?

We treat Jesus the same way they treated Moses. 

The odd and very sad thing is that the ‘gospel’ has been changed to ignore what Jesus DID to a story about his death, burial and resurrection.  How many Christians today read the words attributed to Jesus as instructions to follow?  He was a good guy, he performed miracles (just like Moses), he talked to God (just like Moses), he died for us (or because of us), he showed us that life continues after death, so we’re good!  As long as we have the assurance that we have eternal life, who cares what he came to teach us? 

Every Christian I know says they follow Jesus, but they cannot tell you what it is that he taught.  They will go on and on for days about what Paul said, but never the hard teachings of Jesus.  “Unless you drink my blood, and eat my flesh…”  “I came not to destroy the law or the prophets, but to educate you about them.”  “You do not receive because you do not ask.”  “This kind (demons) are only cast out with prayer and fasting.” “Greater things you will do than I”; “No greater prophet than John the Baptist.”

He told his disciples that the only sign of his authenticity as the Messiah was the sign of Jonah.  Three Days and Three Nights in the heart of the earth before his resurrection.  Yet, the Christian church has abandoned the Old Testament scriptures (you know the ones Jesus read and taught) to embrace a change of times and seasons. 

No more Passover, but instead, a synchronistic mix of pagan dates and names called Easter, that cannot in any possible way be construed to mirror actual events.  It is impossible to get three days and three nights from ‘Good’ Friday to Easter ‘Sun’day.  But, if that paradigm reflects the facts, then Jesus is not the Messiah.  Either the story is false, or he is.

And that was my first red pill.  The Jonah Code, by Michael Rood.  From that realization I embarked upon an obsessive search for the truth of scripture.  I have slowed down some, but the first few years I was reading and listening to everything I could get my hands on to try and clarify what the Bible actually says and teaches.  I don’t expect to ever mine it all.

I could continue with that great awakening, but I said all that to say this.  Without that paradigm shift, I never would have been able to tolerate the current paradigm shift on what I thought I understood about my country, the USA.

Many of you will relegate the following to tin hat territory.  Much of it I always thought was just that.  Conspiracy Theories couldn’t possibly be true.  We are a ‘good’ nation.  A ‘just’ society.  Manifest Destiny and all that.

Now I am at the point where I believe that the IDEALS of the USA are valid, but not the reality.  I owe my cousin an apology for thinking he was wearing a tin hat when he said the Twin Towers were brought down by explosives and not airplanes.  I rejected the notion it could in any way be an inside job.

I have had to re-evaluate that position. 

I could not accept that events that happen are orchestrated by evil people.  It was easy to blame the foot soldiers that carried it out.  It was easy to ignore the cognitive dissonance of Bush being a ‘good’ guy and allowing the Saudi families to fly out of the USA during that crisis.  It was easy to listen to the narrative from the news explaining what was happening instead of questioning how the towers could have collapsed upon their own footprints like a controlled demolition took place.  It was just too horrible to contemplate that we had enemies within our own government.

What was the result of that false flag event?  A reduction in our liberties in the form of the Patriot Act.  Now we are seeing a further reduction in our liberties by the Covid-19 pandemic hysteria.  Another false flag.

Have you ever questioned why some people never are held accountable for their crimes?  How Hillary Clinton could destroy 33,000 emails, use an unsecured server for top secret information, destroy subpoenaed evidence, lie to Congress and America about Benghazi, and have a long list of associates that have died under suspicious circumstances? 

I was one that was railing against the double standard.  What if it isn’t a double standard at all?  What if protecting the evil people that run the narrative, hence the world, is so pervasive in our (and foreign) governments, that it is beyond our ability to grasp it all?

I have spent the better part of 60 years believing that people are inherently good, just to realize I have been naive.  That is a bitter pill.  But the red pill came when someone posted a link on social media about adrenochrome.  Not only did it horrify me, it led me to another obsession to seek the truth, and to tear down my world view for a reality I didn’t (still don’t) want to accept.

Is everything I read about the Illuminati, the cabal, the puppet-masters a true representation of actual fact?  Is pizzagate real?  How do we explain 800,000 children a year go missing?  How is it that all roads lead back to Epstein?  How do you explain the rise in child pornography?  Snuff films?  Is porn just a victimless crime?  Or is it the tip of the iceberg?

Is it just an elaborate con game to post pictures of horrible crimes just to discredit the ‘opposition?’  Are the back-door links on Google just an accident when it leads to provocative pictures of children in underwear or worse?  Is it just a coincidence when those investigating and trying to expose these crimes against humanity get killed or ‘suicided?’

Sooner or later the sheer numbers of those silenced should make you wonder.

Without doing a little research, it is easy to turn on the programming on TV and veg out.  Be entertained.  I have spent a considerable amount of time and passion on theatre.  How could I have been so blind?

So, yes.  I have taken the Red Pill.  I still question some of the more bizarre theories online.  But, I no longer question the raging evil and disgusting behavior of many who walk around unscathed.  I pray for it to end.  I pray for Luke 8:17 to be fulfilled.

Trump is one man.  Hopefully he has a group of like-minded people dedicated to stopping this scourge on humanity…and it isn’t the pandemic.  He has made it a cornerstone of his administration to Drain the Swamp, Eliminate Pedophiles and other evil groups that prey upon innocents.  He is trying to root out the rot that is in our own government.  

It is time to wake up and pray.  Fast and Pray to cast out the demonic forces that have been underground (literally) for as long as I have been alive. 

Question why our military has been training for underground warfare.  Question why Americans are asleep.  Question everything you think you know or understand.

It’s my understanding that some of the suppression of information has been lifted.  Take time to research while you still can.  Censorship is real, and the evil ones will not go quietly into the night.  Not without God’s help. 

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